If You Want to Charge for a Service Online, Make Sure You Engage Your Customers

I recently switched my invoicing system from Simply Invoices to Fresh Books. Simply Invoices was great while I used it, but the complete lack of customer service forced me to switch. Admittedly, I was using their services for free, but I repeatedly requested/suggested new features that would not only benefit me, but all users, with… Continue reading If You Want to Charge for a Service Online, Make Sure You Engage Your Customers

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Kona on the Indo Board

My dog, Kona, used to be terrified of my Indo Board. He wouldn’t even go near it when it was stationary. But, a few treats and he rides on it with me now.

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Animated Loading GIF Generator

I found this nifty little application that lets you generate a custom animated “loading” GIF. There are over 30 different images to choose from, with the ability to customize the color. Animated Loading GIF Generator

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Discover New Music With Last.fm

If you don’t know, Last.fm is an internet radio station. You can learn more about the general stuff on the website. This post is about how to discover new music now that you are using Last.fm. Here’s a list of some ways to discover new music with Last.fm Last.fm recommended music station Listen to an… Continue reading Discover New Music With Last.fm

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K-Lite Codec Pack for Mac

I had to do a bit of searching to find this, so I figured it would be useful for others. If you’re newer to OS X and Quicktime, and are used to using the K-Lite Codec packs for Windows, you’re probably wondering what to do for your Mac. Download Perian, and install it. It will… Continue reading K-Lite Codec Pack for Mac

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Achieving Your Goals

Having a hard time losing the weight? Just can’t seem to find the time to start learning a new programming language? Make it a contest. Find a friend that wants to achieve a similar goal, and make a friendly competition out of it. Set a goal, lose 5 pounds in a month, write a basic… Continue reading Achieving Your Goals

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Super Bowl Office Pool Sheet

It’s that time of year again. Yep, time for some office gambling. I whipped up a quick sheet and figured I would share it with the world. I’m sure someone will need one, and this will look somewhat professional. Click here to view and print, and see below for a preview.

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Visit A Comic Shop

If you are in the Orlando area and enjoy comics, A Comic Shop is the place for you. It’s small, but has a great selection of current comics. If you’re looking for something a bit older, they’ll be more than happy to find it for you. All the employees there are knowledgeable about their products… Continue reading Visit A Comic Shop

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